Coraid EtherDrive VSX3500 brings networked storage virtualization intelligence to your Ethernet Storage Area Network (SAN). With VSX you can now centralize and streamline Logical Volume Management (LVM), snapshots, clones, and remote replication across your enterprise – quickly, and easily.
- Logical Volume Management allows users
- to build and resize flexible virtual volumes
- that span multiple storage shelves
- No-single-point-of-failure (NSPOF)
- configurations where data can be
- synchronously replicated to two separate
- storage arrays
- Block-level data snapshots enable rollback
- of computing environments in case of IT
- disruptions
- Snapshot scheduling provides a fully
- automate replication and data protection
- capability
- Writeable snapshots called “Clones”
- allow for copying and branching existing
- application environments
- Asynchronous replication enables snapshots
- to be copied over the WAN for disaster
- recovery
- Thin provisioning of logical volumes
- improves storage utilization by deferring
- physical storage allocation until it is required
- Wide striping improves I/O performance
- by spreading chunks of data over multiple
- physical volumes in a pool